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Boris J2 Hook Has Broken - Day 61 - Vendée Globe

This week has truly been a roller coaster. This morning, Boris Herrmann, currently racing in 6th position in the Vendée Globe, reported to his team that the J2 hook has broken. While both Boris and the boat are safe, this setback means more repairs and the loss of valuable miles. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a swift and successful repair!

by Hélène Katz

Boris Herrmann reports damage of the hook of his J2, limiting the use of his most headsail

Boris Herrmann reports damage of the hook of his J2, limiting the use of his most headsail

© Boris Herrmann / Team Malizia

he J2 is intact and on deck until Boris Herrmann can repair and hoist it again

he J2 is intact and on deck until Boris Herrmann can repair and hoist it again

© Boris Herrmann / Team Malizia

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